Hand made paper and art printing

The papermaking Art School is a centre of research about the expressive and creative applications of the hand made paper and the art tecniques of printing.

It's and Art and Craft school specialized on the paper as a creative matter.

We have many courses where you can learn how to create art sheets as a creative support and as Unique Piece
in addition how to print on them ,
how to make art multiples and paper objects
and how to concept an artist book

domenica 5 gennaio 2014

some art work created in the last workshop...

On the 2th we had a workshop about how to use meditadion to reach our inner images and transfer them in an artistic way on paper.
It was a great experience!
 All we had similar images... a growing tree...a growing spiral ....lightness........
Keeping the contact with our impressions we began to engrave in a soft wood
and make syntetic the symbol we imaged
and then to print  it on a support sensitive , between the folds of a sheet.
The meaning is to give a shape ,to act our creativity , to set in motion an energy of transformation.
This is the starting point of making art and of learning the visual language .
We'll repeat this experience every two weeks ,
to make a path of personal an artisti growth togheter
and discover our own mood of expression .
The next date is  30 january ,  in Bologna , Via dè Giovanni 16/a/10 , at 7 pm.

Registration and info at:info@renatagiannelli.com

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